Thursday, May 22, 2008

Friday May 23, 2008

Well TGIF!! That actually may mean something to the rest of you but for me nothing really because everyday is Friday. Well this week I've actually gotten off of the block a couple of times although it's been to go to the hospital for my tests. Tuesday I went and they drew blood and gave me my ultrasound on my neck. Previously the doctor had felt a lump on my thyroid so just to be on the safe side he ordered the ultrasound to see if it was solid or not. I had to fast for my blood work so I got there early, went to my doctor's office where they drew blood, and then headed off to radiology for the ultrasound. I checked in and they told me that my wait would be anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour, it's first come, first served, no appointments and that there were 8 people in front of me-GREAT!! At first I thought my time would be short because there were several doors and they kept calling people's names but then it dawned on me that those people were only getting x-rays done which takes less time than an ultrasound, so I waited, and waited. I always think about it later that I should carry around a book in my purse for these type of situations so I was forced to bid my time by people watching, which can be fun.

One family that I watched really touched me. It was the father, daughter and the mother who appeared to be very ill. She was a very tiny lady and she seemed very weak so she was in a wheelchair. Just sitting there watching her daughter take care of her was very moving and had she not been called before me I would have given her my place in line. I'm not certain but if I had to guess she probably was a cancer patient. Finally after 2 hours my name was called...Hooray!! I was ushered into a small room, almost like a closet and I changed into a robe and waited until the previous patient had left the ultrasound room. When the nurse came to get me she took me into a dimly lit room and had me sign a consent form. My doctor had written on my orders that if the lump was solid, to go ahead and perform a biopsy. The doctor explained the procedure to me and the entire test took about 10 minutes. Most people in the waiting room after their name was called and they had their procedures done would return to the waiting room and then someone would bring them their x-rays and the doctor's report to take with them. Since I was seeing my doctor on Friday I chose not to wait for my report and headed back home.

Tuesday was also mine and Jim's anniversary and it was a quiet occasion. I made his favorite dinner ( lasagna ) and he brought me flowers and a card. Later on we went up to George's for cocktails and to give me a chance to talk to my brother who left this week for Iraq. Wednesday and Thursday were quiet for me with the only highlight was watching David Cook win American Idol- Woo Hoo!!! I liked the other contestant David Archuletta too but I thought Cook was a better performer and I'm glad the American people agreed considering I couldn't really vote. That was the only current American tv show I could watch so now I'm back to watching CSI, Desperate Housewives, Friends, and the Discovery Channel.

So now it's Friday and I went to my doctor's appointment to find out my results. I am not going to die. Everything on my blood test is alright except my cholesterol which I already take medication for so the dosage has been increased. The lump on my thyroid actually turned out to be one large on the right hand side and several small ones on the left. The doctor said that they weren't solid which I already knew because there was no biopsy performed on Tuesday. Since they were liquid there was no cause for alarm but he still wants an ultrasound done on them yearly. Apparently they don't go away, supposedly genetic, they could get larger but there is nothing you can do about them unless they turn solid and then I can start to panic. I also had to get a vaccine for Hepatitis A, apparently this area is prone to outbreaks which are transmitted through food and water-GREAT!! Two things I love to do, eat and drink! Now I have to figure out a way to drag Jim in so he can get one. We are still working on a solution to my insulin problem however. When I was at the doctor's office I asked his assistant to get the representative from the maker of my insulin pump on the phone so I could talk to her. I wanted to know what she would do if I were a brand new patient so she agreed to meet with me at my house on Monday to show me what to do. Hopefully she'll have answers or somebody is going to Singapore to get me some medicine.

One thing that surprised me was the cost of my medical care so far. We are having to pay out of pocket and then getting reimbursed so the day of my ultrasound I was paranoid about how much that was going to be. Surprisingly not that much. I paid 104 RM which is roughly about $33 U.S. I was completely shocked because I just had an ultrasound done on my gall bladder in February in the States and my co-pay alone was $100, the insurance company paid about $1000 for my procedure and there was nothing different from one ultrasound to the other. Just makes you think about how much we're getting ripped off in our own country. You couldn't walk into a hospital and receive a bill the same day let alone pay it off unless off course you're financially sound. Makes you go Hmmmmm....?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday May 19, 2008

Well today is yet another national holiday. Wesak Day as it is called is a Buddhist holiday which goes to show how diverse Malaysia is. Even though the national religion of the country is Muslim they still recognize other religious groups holidays. Can't wait to see what Christmas is like here! I had to do some research on Wesak Day because neither Jim or I were familiar with it and it wasn't readily advertised like the other holidays ( remember I missed Easter ). Basically it's an opportunity for Buddhists to celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Guatama Buddha. Devout Buddhists and followers alike are requested and expected to assemble in their various temples before dawn for the ceremonial hoisting of the Buddhist's flag and the singing of hymns in praise of the holy triple gem. The triple gym is similar to Christians trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit except Buddhists recognize their trinity as The Buddha, the Dharma ( his teachings ) and the Sangha ( his disciples ).

They also offer fresh flowers, burn candles and incense as a symbol that these items will burn out life is also subject to decay and destruction. Buddhists are encouraged to consume only a vegetarian diet during Wesak and they also release birds, insects and animals by the thousands as a symbolic act to liberation. We haven't witnesses this act and really I'm ok with that considering my phobia of insects, don't really want to be around thousands of them all at once. From what I can tell everyone is just enjoying the day off from work and I assume the Buddhists are all sitting in temples somewhere dressed in white. They also have a list of commandments similar to our 10 Commandments but they only have 8. They are called the Eight Precepts: 1) Not to kill, 2) Not to steal, 3) Not to engage in improper sexual activity, 4) Not to indulge in wrong speech, 5) Not to take intoxicating drinks and drugs, 6) To abstain from taking food at unreasonable times, 7) To refrain from sensual pleasures such as singing, dancing, self-adornment, 8) To refrain from using high and luxurious seats in order to practice humility. See, quite similar to Christianity although we eat when we want. So there is your lesson in Buddhism for today.

Jim and I are taking it easy. I finally finished hanging all the rest of his dolls and he played golf up at Golf City and did some work online. Right now we are having some cocktails at George's and heading home soon to make dinner and iron some clothes for the week. Happy Wesak Day everyone!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday May 15, 2008

So Thursday is here and where do I begin? The construction next door is still going strong so several times this week I have sought refuge at George's during the day just so I can hear myself think. Earlier this week I got bad news from the pharmacist regarding my insulin. Apparently they have my medication here but not in the form that I need it. So I was forced into finding a doctor sooner than I had expected. I was already looking into it but it wasn't a priority. I contacted Pantai Medical center, one of the major hospitals in our area here in Bangsar and it had already come highly recommended not only from friends that we've made here but also from my Yahoo Answers community which I frequently consult regarding questions on Malaysia. My pharmacist had originally recommended a general practitioner but I decided to go with an endocrinologist since I'm diabetic. There were only 2 listed so at first I went with the one whose name I could pronounce: Dr. Khabul Abdul Khadir, there wasn't much background information available but because it was an emergency to me I made an appointment. The earliest was on the 26th because the doctor was on leave until then, so I cancelled it and went with option 2 Dr. Nadaraja or is it Nadaraya? I forget. His office could get me in today so that worked for me.

When I got up this morning I was not in a good all. I was already cussing people out in my head preparing myself for the worst that my appointment could go. Would they be able to understand me? Would I be able to understand them? Would the paper work be complicated? Would I get the results that I wanted and if not what would be the next step? Would I be able to get a taxi there and what about my return trip home? So many questions going through my head so the only thing I could do was put on my happy face and find out. Getting a taxi wasn't all that difficult, I think because it was early morning so any fare at that time the drivers would accept. When I got to the hospital, the layout was confusing so I asked the info desk where the doctor's office was and they were very helpful. As I was walking down the halls I don't know why I thought it but they resembled something out of a bad horror film. Very undecorated, not necessarily sterile smelling just outdated although they did have a Starbucks, which everyone knows I boycott. But really no fanfare welcoming you, making you get into a good mood before you see your doctor. The waiting room was filled with people but quiet nonetheless which I welcomed considering the construction zone my house seems to be in. I filled out a simple form asking for my name and address and emergency contact and liable party...ok so far so good. Shortly afterwards I woman called my name and wanted to take my weight and height information which she did in the waiting room, with all of the other waiting patients observing- so much for confidentiality. Then I waited another short while, I did arrive early only because I did not know what to expect. My name was called and I was escorted into the doctor's office, literally his office because the only things present in the room was his desk, a couple of chairs and an exam room. Yes, the exam room is the same room as the office, not multiple exam rooms where the doctor makes his rounds, when it's your turn you are the only patient being seen, which I thought was attentive. We spoke a while about my medical background and the medications I take etc. He is going to try and order my insulin from Singapore or Bangkok, he also admitted that I would be his first patient using the insulin pump and only recently has he been contacted by the manufacturer of my insulin pump so really it's still all new to him. GREAT!! Still, my mood is maintaining.

He asks if he could examine me and of course I say Ok. The receptionist enters the room then and she instructs me to remove my shirt and bra, that's it. I thought this was odd because my last doctor in the States has never examined me to the point where I had to remove clothing, that was always with my ob/gyn. So he checks my blood pressure, glands, breasts, pulse, reflexes, and then tells me that he detects a lump by my thyroid gland but nothing to be alarmed about. It was a very thorough exam, I mean thorough to the point that if there wasn't a lady present I could have sworn I was just felt up by my doctor minus the pelvic exam. I get dressed and sit back at his desk where he writes me prescriptions for the medications I currently take plus a supplement he recommends. He then says that he is ordering an ultrasound on my thyroid. I jokingly say I thought there wasn't any cause for alarm and he says he wants to make sure that there isn't anything wrong. GREAT!!! So after paying 280 RM, getting felt up, a few prescriptions and still no insulin that I need my mood has soured. My ultrasound is on Tuesday along with some blood tests so you'll have to tune in to find out the results...who needs General Hospital when my life is starting to resemble a soap opera minus the cheating husband and illegitimate children...unless Jim is cheating and fathered some kids I don't know about...Hmmm?

But the week hasn't all been bad. The other night of course I was at George's I spoke with my sister-in-law to wish her a Happy B-day and since it was slow the bar closed early. My friends Mon and Sim invited me to go out with them and of course since I knew Jim would be sleeping by then I accepted. We drove down to Bangsar Village because they wanted me to have Malaysian food and to smoke shisha ( pronounced shee sha ). Shisha is the hookah that I've photographed before where it's flavored like strawberry, tutty fruitty, grape, etc. So finally I get the chance to eat at a hawker stall and mix with the locals. Sim who has lived in Australia ordered for me Nasi Goreng Ayam which translates to fried rice with chicken. Our other friend Alex joined us and I really had a good time. So much that I didn't notice the time. We were just talking and laughing about the differences between Malaysia and the States, it was probably the most fun I've had since we got here. Later on Alex gave me a ride home on his scooter, I got to finally ride a scooter! and I kept warning him that he had to be careful otherwise Jim would kill hm and he just laughed and made me wear a helmet. When we got to my house immediately the neighborhood patrol pulled up behind us like we were criminals. I told the guard that I lived there and showed him my keys and everything was ok. The guard then proceeded to question me whether or not me and Jim had joined the neighborhood watch program which consists of us paying 50 RM p/month, of course Alex took off right away. He's not a bad person, he seems like a good Muslim kid, he doesn't drink or smoke ( other than Shisha ) and has a girlfriend, but I think the guard made him nervous other than the fact that he was dropping off a married American woman at 4:30 in the morning. Yes I stayed out much later than my normal curfew, what else is new? Just because I'm in another country doesn't mean I have to change everything about myself, I wouldn't be me if I did.

So I'll let you all know later on next week how my tests went, hopefully it's just a cyst that can be treated or drained. In the meantime, keep us both in your prayers. See you!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday May 13, 2008

Happy Happy Tuesday everyone!! As usual I awoke this morning to the sound of construction going on next door at my neighbors. Actually I think it's 2 houses down but I swear sometimes it sounds like they are in my house. I hope they are almost done because day after day I have to deal with Oso barking at all of the sounds. He thinks he's protecting me but all he's doing his annoying me more than they are. Today I've included a photo of my new niece and I just love it, especially with everyone's hands around her, you can tell the photos was taken shortly after her arrival. We're happy she's here and can't wait to meet her in person.

I got a chance to talk to a lot of people on Mother's Day. I went up to George's to use their wi-fi because I figured their connection was better than ours so all of my calls were clear. I was glad to hear my family and friends's voices but really it did make me miss everyone more. Yesterday Michael delivered our new car so now Jim can finally return the rental car he's been using since we got here. Michael was very thorough with the instructions on how to transfer the registration and everything but he also suggested that we go to a used car dealer to have them handle the paperwork since it would be easier. I think that's what we are going to do because the process seems very lengthy and complicated. Because it's a Jeep already we know that the cost of gas is going to be more expensive. Last night Jim went and tried to fill it up because of course Michael delivered it empty and paid 100 ringitts and it still wasn't full. We're not too concerned considering the only driving that we've been doing is when Jim goes back and forth to work.

Overall this past weekend was quiet for us, I guess we're settling into our routine. Saturday I met Jim at City Golf for lunch and watched basketball and then we came home and just chilled out. Sunday I spent most of the day at George's calling everyone after we talked to Jim's parents via video call. I stayed late because of the time difference and I wanted to make sure I spoke to everyone either before Mother's Day or on Mother's Day. Because of that I was pretty tired all day Monday and just stayed home and did domestic stuff. I think sometime this week I will walk around our neighborhood because pretty much I've been staying close to the mall area. There are several shops up and down the street that I haven't familiarized myself with yet.

I'm a little disappointed because when Jim looked into going away next weekend for our anniversary up to Genting Highlands there aren't any rooms available anywhere so it looks like we'll be homebound. Supposedly Monday is another holiday and that's probably the reason why every place is booked up. I guess it's ok considering we're still getting used to our new home, but still I was looking forward to it. Maybe I'll go get a spa treatment instead.

Well I'm off to the grocery store and maybe sometime this afternoon I finish hanging all of Jim's dolls so they can get off of my floor. I need a break anyway from all of the noise and I want to go before it starts raining.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Saturday May 10, 2008

So one weekend has past and we're starting another one. I've been slacking on my writing but when I think about it somedays I get so caught up doing other things that I forget. So my apologies. This week I don't think that I have left the block at all. I've been unpacking and trying to figure out where everything should go. Our house is probably the largest we have ever lived in but somehow we have managed to fill the place up with our things. You never really know how much stuff you actually have until you move. I was able to use all of the cabinet space in both of my kitchens and in the process discovered some pots and pans left behind by the previous tenant. Score for me because it was all brand new, still in the packaging and actually useful. I already owned a wok but the one left behind is huge! And she also left some T-Fal pots which are on the pricey side. I can only imagine she was a shopaholic and the pots were stored in an upper cabinet that even I had to use a step stool to reach so she must have forgotten they were there. There was another item that at first I thought was this massive wicker basket but it turns out that it was a food cover for when you eat outside. I thought that was cool and am proud to add it to collection of household products.

The biggest challenge has been hanging all of my pictures. Everyone knows that I am a photoholic and I cherish every single picture that I own including all of our whimsical caricatures that we get done when we visit some place different. Problem is all of our walls are either concrete or tile and supposedly we are not supposed to "bore" holes in the walls. Let's not forget Jim's extensive collection of sports dolls- 127 of them total that's not even counting the ones that are a foot tall and can not be hung or even his 4 foot long tributes to Michael Jordan and Walter Payton, his autographed ESPN magazine of LeBron James, and his 3 Stooges golf poster. All things that he cherishes and he even has a stash of collectibles in a box that in the 7 years I've known him I still don't know what it contains, I'm guessing something to do with Tiger Woods. Already his hobby has taken over 2 rooms in our house, our office and a bonus room at the top of the stairs. I really don't mind it all, I actually think it's pretty cool but when you have to hang everything using 3M adhesive hooks ( 127, remember ) it's not surprising some days I am resentful. So I am doing it all in stages, I've already finished basketball, total of 58, next is baseball 21, football there's 44 and lastly 4 Tiger Woods bobble head dolls. Fortunatly he has not added to his collection in the last 2 years. My other photos I've said to hell with not boring holes and used concrete nail hangers. That also is tricky because I'm not one for measuring like Jim is so I just eyeball it and pound away!! So far I've been fortunate because nothing seems off balanced or too crooked and if it does I just hang another picture next to it to even it out. So far it is starting to look like home. The guy at the hardware store is making a killing off of us!!

Jim has also been successful in getting a car loan and we are expecting delivery of our Jeep Cherokee on Monday. It's an older model but still looks brand new, however it does have leather seats and who would want leather in this type of heat! He got a good deal on it because the guy is moving to Australia and needed to sell it fast. Supposedly Jeep does not import cars anymore to Malaysia so this one was one of the last ones to come in. Surprising since Mercedes makes Jeep and there are Mercedes everywhere. I also got my hand-made patio set delivered this week and it looks wonderful! I bought some plants to go outside on the patio and it's like another living room outside with the ceiling fans and everything. It's very nice to sit outside and have dinner and a glass of wine, but I'm always on the look out for bats! So far haven't spotted one yet and that's fine with me. I did catch Oso chasing a gecko the other day but the lizard was too quick for him.

Speaking of wine, I mentioned last time that we were invited to a wine tasting last Friday. I must say Jim did remarkably well and has found that he can actually stomach a night of wine and actually enjoy it. The tasting was held at the distributor's warehouse where they also have a lounge built inside, it's very Ikea-ish but stylish just the same. At first it was awkward because we just walked right in and there was no one there to greet us so we waltzed up to the bar where they had choices of 6 different wines for the evening all made by the same vitner. Eventually someone decided to stop and talk to us and I don't remember his name but he is a former ambassador to Austria. He was pleasant enough and of course he and Jim started talking about golf and I turned my attention to the caterers. They served mostly appetizers like fried shrimp, quail eggs fried with bread, quail eggs topped with caviar, raw veggies with feta cheese dip and wontons. All of it was good but I don't think I like caviar...too fishy. Later on someone brought out roasted lamb from some room tucked into a corner and honestly I'm not a big fan of lamb because sometimes it tastes too gamey, but this was awesome! The other people present were an eclectic bunch, some were from Australia like the maker of the wine and his son, some from Britain, America, China and India and after speaking with a few of them Jim and I realized that we were in the company of millionaires. I can't remember every person I've ever met in my lifetime but I can honestly say that this was a first. This whole adventure has led to a lot of firsts.

Last Saturday and Sunday we didn't do too much other than hang out at George's and got to know the staff better. I have told them my real name but not directly. I said before that here you can purchase your own bottle of liquor and keep it at the bar so we got a bottle of Capn Morgan ( our favorite ) and originally they wrote "Jim and Wife" on the label so when I went in on Sunday I changed it to Tiffany so now they all know my name is not Steph which actually is my sister's name who by the way has made her way to L.A. and is enjoying her new job there. I talk to her more now than when I lived at home so I am making progress on strengthing my family ties. My brother Justin is graduating this weekend from Alabama A&M, congrats to him, wish I was there! and my brother in Dallas, Christopher and his wife Stacy have welcomed a new addition to their family: Matisse Victoria Edwards. Not sure if Matisse is spelled with one s or two but she is named after our grandmother and Stacy's grandmother both of which were named Mattie and we're all glad she arrived without complications and is healthy. No one knew the sex of the baby not even Chris and Stacy, they wanted a surprise and for sure everyone thought it would be a boy, I was even calling the baby Cason Joel just to get used to it but she surprised us all so Mattie it is. My life isn't just all about new adventures and life celebrations because also this month my brother Nicholas who is stationed in Germany with the Army will be deployed to Iraq for the second time in his career, this time for 15 months. He will leave behind his wife and their 4 kids in Germany. He says not to worry and that he will be fine because since he is a staff sergeant now he will command his own troops but that does nothing to ease my anxiety of him being over there in the first place. So I pray for his safe return and am thankful for all of the other blessings that my family has received. Before I forget...Happy Birthday Joanne! Happy Birthday Jayson! Happy 2nd anniversary to me and Jim and lastly Happy Mother's Day to all of our "mommas"!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday May 1, 2008

I know, I know, I've been away for awhile but it's really not my fault. You see on Tuesday we finally received our container from the States (Yay!!!) more than 8 weeks after we left, 2 weeks after we were supposed to get it. So Tuesday we welcomed about 10 people from the moving company who they sent to unload and help unpack our things. I've moved a few times and never have I had this many people. So anyway the workers showed up before the container arrived and just kinda lounged around our front yard while Jim and I waited upstairs with Oso in our air conditioned guest bedroom. When I finally came downstairs they had unloaded everything and it was sitting on our front patio so it was my job to look at a box, tell them which room to put it in while Jim checked off numbers on the inventory list. They made quick work of it all considering they just literally formed a line throughout our house and as they handed over a box they told the next person which room to take it to. So back to the reason why I haven't been online. Normally, I guess the movers would stay and unpack everything for us but I had no idea where I wanted everything to go so I just had them place the heavier items where they belonged and sent them on their way. Since Jim and I had set up the desk in our office, he decided to unpack our desktop and get it set up. It took most of the afternoon but he finally got it done only to realize that our new internet connection wasn't working properly on our desktop. So for the last few days it's been like a game: Is is going connect me or not? We still haven't figured out why our wireless network isn't working so for now my laptop is taking a rest.

Since we're coming up on another weekend let me see if I can remember what we did last weekend. Friday we went to Mid-Valley mall to check out a place called Brewballs ( funny huh? I know what you're thinking) It's located at the top of the mall where there is also a movie theater, bowling alley, tons of restaurants and of course shops. It basically was a pool hall with a bar but it played good music and the service was great! Everytime we started a new game, someone would come over and rack the balls for you. After that we ventured close to home and of course ended up at George & the Dragon. Saturday, Jim had arranged with a guy to look at his Jeep Cherokee because he still needs to buy a car. We went into Petaling Jaya and thought we were supposed to meet him at this mall called One Utama but our information was wrong. Jim thought that we would be close enough to walk where we were supposed to be and after about a mile and half he finally hailed a cab to take us the rest of the way. The cab driver was laughing at us because we were all hot and sweaty. I told Jim that from now on if we don't see any other foot traffice then we probably shouldn't be walking. At night we went down the Village and decided we were going to do our own pub crawl ( we're still on the hunt for that dive bar ). We would go to one place after the other and have one drink and one appetizer but only if the place didn't look like a restaurant. There were 2 big soccer matches on that night so most places were lively which made it difficult to choose which ones to go into. I know the majority of them were Indian bars, some were nice, some had critters ( those I did not order food at ), and some were just your run of the mill neighborhood bars. We ate a variety of things from onion rings to japanese dumplings. We finally stumbled across a pub on our way back to our car called Dinty's ( I think ) and it was there that we found a lively crowd, cheap drinks and pool tables albeit british pool but pool nonetheless. We'll probably end up going there a lot even though it's not in walking distance like we had hoped but still it's close.

Sunday, Jim had plans to meet a co-worker for the F-1 race down in the Village at a place called Ronnie Q's so I spent my afternoon at George's drinking margarita's and getting to know the staff better. Already as soon as we walk in you hear "Hi Jim, Hi Steph" I haven't gotten the nerve to let them know my name is Tiffany so I just say Hi back. There seems to be only 2 main bartenders there Mon and Rafael. Rafael is the one who knows the ingredients of the drinks but Mon is the one who can make them better. Since they're always there when we go in I had to ask when do they get days off which I found out is one day a week during the week and if there is a soccer match on that night, they have to stay no matter how late until everyone leaves. So if you know that there is a game still on and it's 2 am then you can go to George's and have a beer. Plus they serve pork so you can have a beer and a BLT.

So now I'm jumping ahead, Tuesday we unpacked some things and Wednesday I spent the entire day unpacking all of my kitchen supplies. I've found out that even though I have a ton of cabinets the majority of them are up high so I had to go and buy a step stool. It's strange because the sinks sit really low, sometimes my back hurts after I wash dishes from leaning over and the cabinets are really high. I don't care I'm glad to have my pots and pans back not to mention real plates and a table to sit at and eat. The picnic's over! Now that I can cook I've noticed something different about my stove, nevermind I have to light the burners myself because it's gas but the oven is electric (? what's that all about?), but also there is no heat control on the burners. When I light it, that's it, there is no simmer, no medium high, no high, just on. Some burners are bigger than the others so when I need to simmer something like rice I have to move it to the smaller burners because it's a smaller flame underneath it. And the oven, don't get me started! There is a knob which controls the temperature and whether it's on or off but then there is another button that you press which controls if the broiler is on or off, easy right? Nope, I've had to play roulette with it because I can't tell. I'm sure in time, or in frustration, I'll get it right.

So that's been my week. Today was a national holiday, Labor Day, so we made the mistake of going to the mall. I bought some plants for my patio and an entertainment center for the living room for whenever my husband decides on what size television he wants. I think he's distracted by buying the car and getting a Malaysian loan for it. I haven't asked about it because hey, it's not like I'm ever going to drive! Tomorrow night we have been invited by one of Jim's accounts to go to a wine tasting. I'm not sure how Jim is going to do but he says that he's been thinking that maybe he should get used to drinking wine because there is bound to be some event where he won't be able to order a beer. I'm not convinced he'll take to it like I have, once a redneck, always a redneck! Happy Mother's Day everyone, I know usually I send cards to all of my mothers, psuedo moms, friends who are moms, grandmas, sister-in-laws, but I'm afraid it's just not going to happen this year and I already feel bad about it but I know you all understand my situation at the moment. Once I get used to the postal system then I know I'll have an easier time of it. Hope everyone has a great and relaxing day. Love you all.